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Kerry Hammerton is a writer and poet with a passion for storytelling. She has published several books of poetry that explore the human experience and our connection to the world around us. Her latest releases are a collection of love poems titled "Love in the Time of Chaos" and a memoir called "Finding My Voice". Click here to learn more about Kerry's books and to order your copies today.


Kerry Hammerton loves connecting with her readers and sharing her work in person. She regularly hosts poetry readings and book signings at bookstores, libraries, and literary events. Check out Kerry's upcoming events to see if she'll be in your area soon. And if you're interested in hosting Kerry at your own event, click here to get in touch.


Kerry Hammerton is a writer and poet based in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a degree in English and Creative Writing from the University of Cape Town and has been published in numerous literary journals and anthologies. Kerry's work explores themes of love, loss, and the human condition, and she is passionate about using poetry as a medium for social change. Click here to learn more about Kerry's background and creative process.

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Book no.3
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